New York never fails me. Every time I am there for a few days I always seem to randomly run into former students on the street. Last Tuesday (10/7), I was walking down Broadway in the high 30s when I found myself face-to-face with none other than Jumoke Mendez (Bath ’97). We broke into grins, hugged it out, caught up with each other, preserved the moment on the photo below, and then headed off to wherever it was we were going.
On the following day, after spending most of the day at Hyde-Bronx (Hunt’s Point), I headed out for a run along the East River Drive. Then as I was walking near Grand Central en route to my hotel, around 5:30 PM, I spotted a familiar looking business-suited guy walking toward me. He was obviously engrossed in the music pulsating through his headphones. Taking a gamble that this young man was Jason Werner (Woodstock ’06), I gave him a nudge as he walked by and, as you can see, he broke into a deeply surprised grin. As was the case with Jumoke, we caught up and then went on our merry ways, with me thinking, Yeah, this is definitely a cool job.
Onward, Malcolm Gauld