If you’re reading this, you are familiar with a certain guiding premise… one which also happens to be the title of one of the 25 modules in the Discovery Process… called “Truth is My Primary Guide.”  In the spirit of that premise, and as a jock at heart, it is only fitting that I publicly report our current score:
Covid: 2… Discovery Process: 0.
Yup.  When it comes to launching our program, Covid has now managed to twice derail us, dealing us false starts in September of 2020 and 2021. Read ’em and weep, personified.
But rather than sulk about it, we opted to view the challenge as an opportunity, using the unexpected (and unwanted!) extra time to fine-tune the program with enhanced learning content and a new-and-improved learning management system (LMS). Although I do not claim to know what will happen next, I have yet to hear anyone argue that our nation’s schools are in less need of a booster shot… of inspiring school culture, that is!
So, the bad news is that we’re two years behind schedule.  The good news: the program is stronger than ever.  

As noted, we’re still “looking for a few good schools.” If you know any educators looking to put culture first, I would be honored to meet them and share what we’re doing.
In the meantime, here’s a link to an update on where we stand, including an additional link to a 10-minute informational video we have created.
Onward, Malcolm Gauld



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