“Every school has a culture. Is yours by design or default?”

Schools should be safe and free from bullying. They should also be so much more.  

The Discovery Process is an on-line school culture improvement program where students consistently:

  • Value the atmosphere of “community” within their school;
  • Feel more included and have a sense of connection to the school and to one another;
  • Demonstrate better coping skills in day-to-day interactions with both peers and adults;
  • Benefit from better rapport between younger and older students:
    • Younger students look up to the older ones rather than fear them.
    • Older students rise to expectations as positive role models and leaders.

For generations, Americans have been talking about educational reform. It’s time to walk the walk.  What’s the hold-up? We care more about what our students can do than about who they are, and they know it. The solution lies in a change in priorities: Let us value attitude over aptitude, effort over ability, and character over talent. Developed over decades at public, private, rural and urban schools throughout the country, the Discovery Process helps schools establish inspiring school cultures that can enhance academic learning and prepare young people for successful lives of purpose.

Onward, Malcolm Gauld

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