H-Bomb turns 21!!!
Good Books Lately
So, in answer to the time-honored conversation starter, “Yes… I have read some good books lately.”
“Respond, Don’t React” – Mindfulness
Meditation teaches you to put a little bit of a break between the thought and the emotional state.
Hyde TO GO – Winners and Losers
“Baby a Loser… Beat on a Winner.” – Gary Kent
Hyde TO GO – Give ‘Em 7
Simply tell your kids: “Give ‘em, seven: 5 fingers and two eyes.”
Hyde TO GO – Eagles & Turkeys
“Son, you can’t soar with the eagles of you’re hanging with the turkeys.” – Gary Kent
Hyde TO GO App – 7-11 Comments
The answers we have heard over the years can be broken down in a manner that resembles the work done by Harvard Professor Lawrence Kohlberg (1927-87) in his book Levels of Moral Development.
Hyde TO GO App: 7-11 Dilemma
The “7-11 Dilemma” has been a Hyde staple for decades and has been presented to hundreds of students, teachers, and parents.
What If Your Child Isn’t All That Special?
When you get right down to it, however bright you are (or are not) is however bright you are (or are not).
American Parents
“The thing that impresses me most about America is the way parents obey their children.” – King Edward VIII