Happy Birthday, H!!!
Coaching Wisdom Learned the Hard Way
… A few bits and pieces about coaching
Hyde Lax @ 50
The 2018 lacrosse team is Hyde’s 50th. I played on the 1st one back in […]
Go Cyber Wolves!!!
It’s official: The Hyde Robotics Team is a thing.
Thoughts (not Events) Control Moods
It is your thoughts and not events (e.g., a nasty Facebook post) that actually creates your mood.
HPSS – Hyde Public School Solution
“Every school has a culture by default or design.”
Our Wants, Our Wickedness…
Society is produced by our wants, and government by our wickedness…
Charlie Everybody
…a phantom third person often emerges as the culprit.
Hyde Wrestlers Invest in the ESB
Yup. The Effort Savings Bank lives.
10 Coaching Tips + Bonus
10 Tips (w/Bonus!) from the cobwebs of my memory.