Among the 25+ videos embedded in the training materials of the Discovery Process, is a […]
3 Random Objections to the HDP
Discovery Process educators invariably find that time invested in Discovery Group activities pays substantive dividends in the form of more conscientious, considerate, and dedicated students in the classroom.
Common HDP Objection #3: Time Away from Academics
Discovery Groups “sharpen the saw” of our physical, spiritual, intellectual, and social/emotional dimensions.
Common HDP Objection #2: Student Jobs
Student jobs promote an enhanced sense of community across all school constituencies.
Discovery Process Timeline
Here’s a timeline that has brought us to this point.
Common HDP Objection #1: Mixed Aged Groups
A proven ingredient for optimal outcomes.
A Click Away… Hyde Discovery Process
I bring news of: Well, after 2 years of best efforts from scores of people, I am […]
Recycle #3: Calm and Deliberate Thanks
“Never before has The Townsman faced the tragic duty of reporting the third war casualty in the same Wellesley family.”
Scenes from a Graduation 2021
No one will forget this one.
Recycle #2: Song Lyric Fragments (’09 and ’12)
“…and a lyrical gem enters my ears.”