After Beijing, Laura and Co. moved on to Shanghai. Here’s her report:
Saturday, June 30th, Team China facilitated our second family FLC in Shanghai. This region has been one of Hyde’s strongest and it was evident when we welcomed eleven families, (8 Woodstock/3 Bath) and two graduates. Many of the parents drove several hours or flew to Shanghai to participate. Also in attendance was Hyde Board member, Raymond Koda, who flew in for our last two FLCs. It is important to note that several students were not able to attend but their parents came to participate.
There was a buzz in the Shanghai meeting room as the group of forty started off hearing from Raymond about his Hyde journey and the importance of family. The group split into two sections to share life stories and quickly got to an emotional level where some the defining moments shared included:
- Growing up without resource
- Experiencing loss
- Sickness
- Lessons learned from parents
- Coming to Hyde School
- Vision beyond being a mother
- Gaining confidence through Hyde athletics
Throughout the afternoon, the Hyde students emerged as leaders. They were animated sharing the family shields and also were able to express their vision and pride at being a Hyde student. It was great to see the veteran families of two and three years reach out to the four brand new families who enrolled this past January. One of the many moments of laughter came as a mother said, “When my son was young, he had only strengths. Now that he is older, he has only challenges!”
Even with the larger group, we were able to move quickly through the curriculum because of the commitments and synergy of the families in the room. After having individual family solos, the group wrote statements about where they were inspired by their family and what their parents/children meant to them. As each family went around and shared their feelings, the emotion was powerful and we all felt we were watching something special unfolding. Some of the final comments were:
– “I have new hope for communication in my family”
– “I have seen my daughter differently today and I have a new vision for her.”
– “My mother has always taken care of everyone else and she now sees she has to do something for herself.”
– “I opened my heart to my wife and daughter today and I am happy.”
– “My son is more capable and stronger than I thought.”
We left Shanghai excited, exhausted and flew to Shenzhen for the final family FLC the next day. What an experience! – LDG
Onward (to Shenzhen), Malcolm Gauld