It hasn’t been all bad. Covid has actually brought some cool upsides. Here’s a Baker’s Dozen.
Pandemic Pictorial
A Year (Like No Other) In Pictures
7-11 Dilemma 2.0
So, Why should I give the money back?… Really.
Fresh Songs for a Stale Quarantine – Vol.6
A new batch, mostly 2021 releases.
Race & Us – How We Got Here… Where We Might Go
A four-class course.
Songs for History Majors
Then I got to wondering why, aside from protest songs, there’s such a shortage of history tunes.
Cultural Bias is 2020
25 Awesome 2020 Songs
Fresh Songs for a Stale Quarantine – Vol. 5
“I’m gettin’ kinda grouchy; I’m in love with Dr. Fauci. Uh-huh”
Social & Emotional Teaching
Schools cannot possibly offer effective social and emotional learning without effective social and emotional teaching.
(School) Culture by Design
Even if a school manages to make bullying absent, it does not necessarily follow that an uplifting esprit de corps will be present.