The College Admissions Scandal is the result of a clear-cut mindset: College prestige matters more than personal character.
Category: Parenting
Us the Living
It’s high time we renew our vows.
Culture Chronicles #1 – A Lesson from China
“You do know that we scoff at your American obsession with class size and ratio?”
Biggest Job Goes to China
Amazing how the language barrier forces you to pay close attention to eyes and expressions.
Playing the Odds – College Admissions
… the madness is alive and well!
Small Animals – Parenthood in the Age of Fear
“It’s hard to win while pretending not to play.”
Thoughts (not Events) Control Moods
It is your thoughts and not events (e.g., a nasty Facebook post) that actually creates your mood.
5 Things: Parent Graduation
Early in Hyde’s history, founder Joseph Gauld noticed an unmistakable correlation between the involvement of parents and the success of students. Those parents who had sought to apply Hyde’s five words to themselves tended to have children who acted likewise.
The Admissions (& Other Books)
Read some good books over the March break.
5 Things to Consider When Applying to College
A career spent watching 1000s of kids head off to college led me to some conclusions…