All schools can step in the direction of hope.
Author: Malcolm Gauld
Stones Rolling Slowly
A Top 20 Slow Stones playlist.
Timeless Tools – 5 Paragraph Equation
…a useful tool for anyone who seeks to tighten up his or her writing.
“The Rules: Lessons of a Learning Teacher”
Forty years ago, having completed month #1 of my very first teaching assignment at a […]
Walter Becker – Thanks & RIP
Ask me who my favorite band is and I’ll give you a different answer on […]
5 Things: Senior Evaluations
Hyde School is dedicated to a curriculum of character education. Thus, we require evidence of character development as a prerequisite to a formal degree from our school. “Senior Evals” is the key to assessing, respecting, and encouraging that development. At most schools, the month of May is a breeze for high school seniors. Not so at Hyde.
5 Things: Parent Graduation
Early in Hyde’s history, founder Joseph Gauld noticed an unmistakable correlation between the involvement of parents and the success of students. Those parents who had sought to apply Hyde’s five words to themselves tended to have children who acted likewise.
5 Things: Brother’s Keeper
Key Quotes/Points: BK seeks to create a community of people who care for each other, who make it both safe and an expectation for all members in the community to take risks and pursue their personal best. On face value, Hyde’s definition of BK is simple enough: We help others achieve their best. However, as simple as this may sound, most Hyde students will tell you it’s the hardest thing they are expected to do.
5 Things: Faculty Evaluations
Faculty Evaluations Key Quotes/Points: Faculty Evals provide a way for our teachers to be better at their jobs. This, in turn, provides our students with a better learning experience. It’s all about students and faculty working together to enhance learning and teaching… for all.
5 Things: Auditions
Key Quotes/Points: Definition: Every student and teacher sings a solo in front of the entire school community without benefit of instrumental accompaniment. All new students get a taste of the auditions challenge – a warm-up, if you will – on the very first day of school with an exercise we call “Introductions.”