I bring news of:

Well, after 2 years of best efforts from scores of people, I am proud to say that we are days away from having the entire Hyde Discovery Process be available to any teacher at the click of a button. Once that button is clicked, here’s what will be found in the password protected portal nearing completion:

Learning Content:

– 25 Modules, each containing 4-6 lessons… each containing 2 instructional videos delivered by veteran Hyde teachers from Hyde-Bath and Hyde-Brooklyn.

– 134 lessons in total, all aligned with the CASEL* standards of SEL and the learning system of Bloom’s Taxonomy.

Here’s what a (partial) lesson looks like:

Training Content:

– 2 Teacher-Training Power Points (PPT) with a total of 30 videos (ranging in length from 1 to 6 minutes) embedded within the PPTs.  Each PPT contains 70+- slides. PPT #1 is more philosophical and PPT #2 is more nuts & bolts.

– 1 Teacher-Training Performance Workbook – a hard copy notebook (the only hardcopy piece in the entire program) aligned with the 2 Teacher-Training PPTs and provided as a note-taking keepsake and tool for future reference.

– 1 School Leader Training PPT (also about 70 slides with over a dozen embedded videos.)  Whereas the teacher PPTs are designed to support the teacher’s interactions with the students, this PPT supports the leader’s management of the faculty and HDP as a system.  A Leader’s Performance Workbook (virtual) is included with the PPT.

– 1 Teacher Guide –  25 page summary and handbook

– 1 Leader Guide –    ”           ”         ”       ”       ”      ”

– Training Facilitator Guide – ”      ”       ”       ”      ”

Throughout this process, I have imagined a school principal in Butte, Montana who will likely never come east to see any of our Hyde models — boarding, charter, or public — and no one from any of these models will ever be going out there.  So, my quest became: Can we create something that might enable that principal to train his/her/their faculty to offer a Hyde opportunity to the students they serve with no one from Hyde being involved in the training?  I genuinely believe that we have created such a resource. And at risk of vanity, I have never been prouder of anything I have been involved with during my 42 years as a Hyde employee.  (True Story: When I shared the program with former Hyde head of school Don MacMillan, he said, “Wow! So great to see everything in one place!”)

One special benefit lies in the completely portable nature of the training.  Not only does it cover all of the training principles and procedures that have been offered for years at Hyde and our affiliated schools, its virtual nature magnifies its accessibility.  For example, should a school hire a new teacher mid-year, the school can simply say to that teacher, “Your first task is to spend a day accessing and studying the two Teacher-Training PPTs.”  Simply put, teachers will be able to walk themselves through the entire program.

This year, we are offering the program free-of-charge to a small cohort of beta schools — public and private — spread across a range of locales currently including Houston, Lower Manhattan, New Hampshire, and western Pennsylvania. Hyde-Bath and some of our charter school programs will also be engaged in the program.

More to come.  Onward, Malcolm

*CASEL = Collaborative Alliance for Social & Emotional Learning, a national set of standards.


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