When it comes to Hyde affairs such as award ceremonies…

Kim James ’21 – Athlete of the Year


Prom 2019

and graduation ceremonies…

Class of 2021

I have somehow assumed the role of roving photographer.  Given that I cannot stand to sit still for any length of time, it works for me.  This year was, well, different.

Although it had a bit of a “Do I wear a mask or Don’t I?” vibe, Baccalaureate kicked us off on the right note.

“We got spirit. How ’bout you?!?

Then came the main event. Some members of the Class of ’21 participated via Zoom.  Others were here in person.  People were excited…

Selfies w/ Sweet Tommy Bragg ’83


A cross between “Is my speech profound enough?”… &… “You know it is!”


My winter hoop teammates welcoming me to graduation

and planning right up to the last minute…

LDG ’76 getting ready

Then, enter the faculty.

Enter the Faculty. (Fun Fact to make alums of a certain age feel old: That’s Andrew Burroughs – son of former faculty stalwarts Jeff and Melissa – leading the way.

Then came the graduates.

Dylan Webster ’21

And before we knew it, it was over.

Class of 2021

As always, it was a great day for families!

Michael Celestin ’21 (Early 80s alums will be interested to know that Michael was referred to us by Al McClain ’80)
Lulu Varian ’21
Avi Feinstein ’21

And if there ever was a group of Hyde faculty ready for a break, it would be the 2020-21 edition.

Faculty members Antoine Montgomery ’16 and Stefan Jensen definitely ready to chill

But wait, we still weren’t done.  On the following day (Sun/5/23), members of the Class of 2020 were invited to return to the Sunken Garden and deliver the speeches that Covid prevented them from presenting a year ago.  So, we gathered to hear five speakers.  However, just when we were about to start, only four were in attendance.  You could hear the whispers: “Where’s Uwe?” Then this figure came bounding toward us from the parking lot.

Uwe Munyantwali ’20

Suffice it to say that he was determined.

Let us begin.

Only at Hyde.  Congrats, Classes of 2021 (and 2020), your families, and the faculty.

Onward, Malcolm Gauld

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